Sunday, May 5, 2013

 Masada, original paint on the walls.  Masada is a city on top of a mountain that King Herod built as a hide away.
 King Herod spared no expense to build this amazing complex.  He even paid his slaves a wage.
 View from a window at the top of Masada.
 Masada was such a strong fortress that it took the Roman Legion 1 year to build an earth ramp up to the main doors and break it down.  Once they broke in a tragedy had occurred and all the 1200 people who were trying to escape the Roman conquest, killed themselves, rather than be slaves.  It was a really sad event in history.
 Below the black line is all original foundation of the palace grounds, above the black line was reconstructed or rebuilt.
 Storage pots from Masada.

 Everyday cups and bowls from Masada.
 A fun dip in the Dead Sea.
 You cannot sink in the Dead Sea.  Ashley is relaxing in the was almost 100 degrees.
 Many bathers use the special mud from the Dead Sea to soften and replenish the skin.  It is fun and super messy.

 Let's go rinse off.
Ashley enjoys a short mud bath.  Getting it off is another problem, with lots and lots of scrubbing but it leaves your skin so soft, it is worth it.

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